Archive: January, 2022
  • January

    HBCU students jumpstart their careers through Far East District internship

    February is a time of increased recruiting efforts for internships within the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math disciplines for the Corps of Engineers. The Corps has held a partnership with the Advancing Minorities' Interest in Engineering, a non-profit outreach organization, since 1995.
  • Under the hard hat: FED engineer, Mr. Ku Pon-chun

    In an engineer’s career, becoming a licensed engineer is a turning point and important milestone that validates their expertise. For the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, accreditation assures stakeholders that the professionals who work their projects are qualified to do so.
  • Investing in America’s future generations through scouting

    USAG HUMPHREYS, Republic of Korea – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Far East District personnel, Vincent Lee, Support Branch project manager, SoCheung Lee, attorney advisor, and Puji Cline, internal auditor, have diligently worked as a team to develop and mentor Boy Scouts of America Troops 159 (girls) and 47 (boys), while simultaneously giving back to the USAG Humphreys community.
  • Protecting the workforce through Fall Protection training

    USAG HUMPHREYS, Republic of Korea -- Fall protection safety equipment and training have evolved over the years, reinforcing continuous safety on construction sites. According to the Center of Disease Control’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, falls remained the leading cause of work-related construction deaths, accounting for more than one in three (36.4%) of the total number of fatalities in the industry in 2019.