Program and Project Management Division


  • Support the Far East District (FED) Mission to provide quality planning, engineering, design, and construction services to United States Forces, Korea (USFK) and the service components in Armistice and Contingency
  • Program Management
  • Life Cycle Project Management
  • Business Process Management
  • Project Manager (PM) – Project Delivery Team (PDT) Leader
    • Engineering Division, Construction Division, Contracting Division, Office of Counsel, Resource Management, Architect-Engineer (A-E) Firms
    • USFK, Service Components, Installations, Stakeholders, Customers
  • Customer care and team work
  • Deliver the program

About our processes

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Expand List item 16386Collapse List item 16386  Project Delivery Business Process (PDBP)

PDBP is the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) business doctrine as established by Engineering Regulation (ER) 5-1-11.

PDBP establishes the philosophy and implementing guidelines for mission-focused project execution, teamwork, and stakeholder focus.  Five universal business process operating principles govern all work performed by USACE:

  1. Plan for success and keep commitments.
  2. Measure quality with the goals and expectations of the stakeholder in mind.
  3. Build effective communications into all activities and processes.
  4. Use best practices and seek continual improvement.
  5. Use corporate automated information systems consistently and accurately.

An additional three PDBP imperatives apply to successful project delivery:

  1. One project, one team, one PM.
  2. Manage all projects with a Project Management Plan (PMP).
  3. The PDT is responsible for project success.

The PDT, led by the PM, is responsible and accountable for delivering a quality project to the stakeholder, actively resolving problems and issues as they carry out effective, coordinated actions to deliver the completed project according to the PMP.  Team members are responsible and accountable to the PDT for the timeliness and quality of their own work, and for keeping commitments for completion of their portion of the project as documented in the PMP, as well as coordination with and keeping all other team members informed.  Each PDT member represents their functional organization and must be empowered to make commitments and decisions on that organization’s behalf; likewise, each PDT member is expected to communicate back to their functional element all relevant decisions, commitments, and expectations.

The PDT works with stakeholders to determine and provide what is expected and must strive to deliver quality products and services. The needs and expectations of stakeholders must be balanced, considering available resources and life-cycle requirements.  Expectations of beneficiaries and/or stakeholders are considered when determining quality objectives.  FED will not compromise professional standards.  Requirements exceeding mandatory standards are negotiated with stakeholders based on project complexity, available resources, and the degree of risk the stakeholder and FED are willing to assume.

Expand List item 16388Collapse List item 16388  What is Program and Project Management and how does it work?

A Program Manager (PgM) is responsible for management of unique stakeholder requirements for a set of related projects, services, or activities.  The PgM integrates program information to make accurate program projections necessary to support workload analysis and is often the POC for interaction with stakeholders.

The PM manages scope, schedule, budget, and quality while leading a PDT across the project’s acquisition life cycle to successful execution.  This individual is the primary interface with the stakeholder and is also FED’s primary internal project advocate.  PMs manage all project resources, information, and commitments; integrates and focuses the efforts of the PDT and proactively manages all project risks.  The PM’s active role as consultant is essential to ensure the stakeholder’s quality objectives are clearly articulated and ensures the stakeholder understands the essential professional standards, laws, and codes which must be incorporated into the project.  In performing these functions, PMs must operate consistent with their responsibilities as a federal official.  PMs provide PDT leadership and collaborative management with responsibility for assuring that the project stays focused on stakeholder needs and expectations.  PMs must rely on the most appropriate method of communications (i.e. verbal, written, or face to face meetings) to accomplish the work.

FED PMs follow the “Plan-Do-Check-Act” cycle as illustrated below:

1. Plan

Assign the right people with the right skills and tools to work on the right project, building quality into our work at each step in the process. Systematically identify stakeholder quality goals; develop an effective plan and processes to achieve those goals, and measure attainment of the quality objectives. Assist stakeholders to express their desired outcomes in objective, quantitative terms, ensuring mutual understanding of standards and processes. It is essential for the PDT, including all stakeholders, understand the costs and benefits of selected quality standards and the processes to be used to achieve mutual objectives. Identify appropriate standards and determine how to achieve them, consulting lessons learned on previous projects as appropriate. Consider risk factors and complexity of each project and adapt processes to provide the requisite level of quality. Consult, advise, and reach consensus with stakeholders prior to project commencement.Utilize value engineering when it serves to increase the quality of our projects.

2. Do

Do work according to the approved PMP and documented procedures.  Procedures are developed and documented with sufficient detail to ensure actions are accomplished correctly and completely each time.  Project and program execution is a dynamic process.  The PDT must communicate and adapt to changing conditions and modify project plans to ensure project objectives are met.

3. Check

Perform sufficient independent technical review, management oversight, and verification to ensure quality objectives are met.  PDT members periodically check performance against the plan and verify sufficiency of the plan and actual performance to meet or exceed agreed-on objectives.  After action reviews are conducted to facilitate sharing of lessons learned.  Findings are shared with project teams and other personnel to facilitate continuous improvement.

4. Act

Take specific corrective actions to remove systemic causes of any non-conformance, deficiency, or other unwanted effect.  Continually improve quality through systematic analysis and refinement of work processes.  The process of continuous quality improvement leads to the refinement of the overall quality system.  Quality improvements include appropriate revisions to quality management plans, alteration of procedures, and adjustments to resource allocations.

Expand List item 16389Collapse List item 16389  Products and Services Guide

FED has a rich history and is reputed to be one of the premier engineering organizations in the Pacific. This guide provides a list of FED’s most often requested capabilities:

  • After-Action Review
  • A-E Services
  • Biddability, Constructability, Operability, Environmental, Sustainability (BCOES) Review
  • Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD)
  • Planning and Design Charrettes
  • Construction Surveillance
  • Cost Engineering
  • Design Build Multiple Award Task Order Contract (D-B MATOC)
  • Door to the Corps of Engineers
  • Environmental Project Services
  • Environmental Testing Services
  • Environmental Training
  • Fire Protection and Life Safety
  • Force Protection Surveys
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Geotechnical Engineering Services
  • Groundwater Resource Development
  • IDIQ Construction
  • Installation Master Planning
  • Materials Testing Service
  • Project Management Services
  • Project Management Plan (PMP)
  • Project Orders
  • Quality Assurance (QA) Services
  • Reimbursable Engineering Services
  • Supervision & Administration (S&A)
  • Technical Design Review
  • Value Engineering Studies / Suggestions / Change Proposals