The Equal Employment Opportunity mission: To administer a customer-focused Equal Employment Opportunity program that assists customers in effecting and sustaining a discrimination free workplace.
The EEO office provides overall direction, management and oversight of the Equal Employment Opportunity Program for the District Commander, and administers a comprehensive EEO program for the Far East District.
The program provides direction and feedback on the development and implementation of the district and region Affirmative Employment Plans and administers the Corps of Engineers Alternative Dispute Resolution Program for both informal and formal EEO complaints.
The Equal Employment Opportunity counseling program is designed to provide the initial step when considering a complaint of discrimination. A person who believes they have been discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, age,physical or mental handicap, genetic information (GINA), national origin or reprisal, as pertaining to EEO, must consult the EEO Office when trying to resolve the matter. The EEO Office must be contacted within 45 calendar days from the date of discovering the alleged discriminatory incident.