When preparing to depart for the Far East District, you may need temporary lodging prior to moving, typically after your household goods have been picked up by the movers. Prior to traveling to Korea, Temporary Lodging Expense (if authorized) can offset some of the lodging and meal costs when the employee and/or his or her dependents are preparing to travel for a Permanent Change of Station. The legal authority for TLE is 37 U.S. Code, Section 404a.
Once you arrive in-country, Temporary Lodging Allowance allows for up to 60 days of lodging and meal expenses, and can be extended if necessary. The legal authority for TLA is 37 U.S. Code, Section 405. You will want to make reservations prior to arrival (your sponsor can help you with this.)
For more information about this and related topics, visit the Dept. of State website at https://aoprals.state.gov/content.asp?content_id=231&menu_id=92.