  • November

    USACE Far East District talks STEAM at Humphreys High School

    When walking into Humphreys High School, students can see walls, electrical wiring, outlets, windows or maybe cranes as they look outside Ms. Valerie Mitchell’s classroom window. Five engineers from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Far East District pointed these items out as they described engineering and how it affects everyone on Camp Humphreys during “The STEAM Source” speaker series Nov. 7, 2024.
  • February

    BEYA recognizes Army engineer for professional achievements at annual STEM conference

    An Army engineer officer will receive an award for professional achievement at the Black Engineers of the Year Award Ceremony during the 2024 BEYA STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Conference being held Feb. 15 through 17 at National Harbor, Maryland.
  • June

    Far East District’s STEAM outreach thrives despite COVID-19 restrictions

    “If you’re bored with playing, you can just go to the pool,” explained one student while showcasing his dream house design. “I see a future engineer!” exclaimed Chad McLeod, chief of Construction Division. For the second year in a row, United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Far East District (FED) volunteers virtually shared their Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) expertise and captured children’s imaginations with engaging STEAM activities, May 27. The event was a part of a relationship with Humphreys Central Elementary School that started in 2013.