SEOUL, Republic of Korea — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Far East District constructed a new administration building at the Busan Storage Center which opened Dec. 7.
The Busan Storage Center’s primary mission is sustainment operations in support of U.S. Forces Korea. Almost all supplies for USFK have transited through there. It also has several other missions including a significant role in non-combatant evacuation operations and providing comfort kits to Korean Augmentees to the U.S. Army (KATUSAs).
Representatives from U.S. Army Garrison Daegu and the 19th Expeditionary Sustainment Command held a ribbon cutting ceremony for the administration building. John Batchelor, Deputy Commander of the Busan Storage Center, gave a speech during the ceremony.
“I’d like to thank the staff at FED for your efforts for the entire process from beginning to end,” said Batchelor.
Moon Jae-soo, Executive Director of Shin Woo Construction Co., talked about the great partnership between the contractor, user, and FED.
“We at Shin Woo Construction are very proud to complete this project and hand it over to the user in a timely manner,” said Moon. “We were able to overcome some of the difficulties we faced with assistance from everyone attending here today.”
One challenge that FED faced but was able to overcome was a loss of power during the last few months of construction. In August the substation at the Busan Storage Center was struck by lightning twice. As a result, 11 emergency generators have been running day in and out to power the installation.