Declaration of a Public Health Emergency (PHE) on USFK Installations

Published March 26, 2020

1.    Basis and Declaration. Our number #1 priority is to protect the force. We have made significant progress in our containment efforts of COVID-19. One key to our success has been compliance with our Public Health Guidance. However, there is a recent trend of non-compliance with HPCON measures that has put the rest of the force at an unacceptable level of risk. After deliberate command and staff assessment and receiving the Public Health Emergency Officer's recommendation: I am declaring a Public Health Emergency (PHE).

2.    Authority: DoD Instruction (DoDI) 6200.03, "Public Health Emergency Management Within the DoD."

3.    Applicability: All US military commands, installations, family members, DoD and KN civilian employees, DoD retirees, contractors, and any other persons with access to USFK installations in ROK.

4.    Duration: This declaration will automatically terminate 30 days from the date of this memo, unless it is renewed and re-published, or terminated sooner by me.

5.    Coordinating Instructions:
        a.    USFK public health personnel are hereby directed to identify, confirm, and control this public health emergency through all necessary means outlined in DoDI 6200.03. USFK will follow DoD's Health Protection Condition framework to identify actions necessary for implementation. 

        b. Commanders may issue guidance that affects installation property and personnel, to include visitors, residents, and those working on the installation - e.g., implement steps to protect personnel health, close base facilities, restrict movement, or implement quarantine for select individuals. 

        c. Commanders will coordinate activities and share information with relevant civil authorities to ensure our response is appropriate for the PHE. Information may include personally identifiable health information only to the extent necessary to protect public health and safety. 

        d. Commanders shall familiarize themselves and subordinate uniformed personnel with Article 84 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). All individuals listed in Paragraph 3, desiring to gain and maintain access to USFK installations, must follow the same Public Health Guidance and HPCON directives as our Service Members. Incidents of noncompliance shall be reported to this headquarters for a determination on whether to bar the individuals from USFK installations for a period of two years.