VIP hangar project completed at Osan Air Base

Far East District
Published Jan. 21, 2020
Col. Lee Byung Seok (center right), United States Forces Korea Program Division and Ministry of National Defense-Defense Installation Agency chief, and Col. Christopher Crary (center left), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Far East District commander, gather for a photo in front of the Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing, UEH110, following the Acceptance Release Letter signing ceremony, Camp Humphreys, South Korea, Jan.10.

Col. Lee Woo Sik (left), Chief, Program Management Team, Ministry of National Defense U.S. Forces Korea Base Relocation Program Office (MURO), and Col. Garrett Cottrell (right), Deputy Commanding Officer - Transformation, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Far East District, sign the Acceptance Release Letter for the VIP hanger and parking pad (AV040N) , Osan Air Base, South Korea, Jan 21.

Col. Lee Byung Seok (center right), United States Forces Korea Program Division and Ministry of National Defense-Defense Installation Agency chief, and Col. Christopher Crary (center left), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Far East District commander, gather for a photo in front of the Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing, UEH110, following the Acceptance Release Letter signing ceremony, Camp Humphreys, South Korea, Jan.10.

Col. Lee Woo Sik (left), Chief, Program Management Team, Ministry of National Defense U.S. Forces Korea Base Relocation Program Office (MURO), and Col. Garrett Cottrell (right), Deputy Commanding Officer - Transformation, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Far East District, sign the Acceptance Release Letter for the VIP hanger and parking pad (AV040N) , Osan Air Base, South Korea, Jan 21.

Engineers at the Far East District central resident office completed construction surveillance on the VIP hangars and parking pad renovation project at Osan Air Base last November. The hangar will house twin engine turbo prop aircraft for executive missions throughout Asia. FED engineers assisted in the renovation of the two existing hangars and parking pad which include a detection and suppression system with sprinkler and high expansion foam. An overhead rail hoist and an aircraft wash system were also included in the project.

Steven Haselman, FED project engineer, said some fire protection issues  which arose near the end of the project caused some delays but through cooperation and hard work the issues were resolved.

“We were able to overcome that issue by working together with the contractor and our Korean partners and deliver the project for the aviation regiment,” said Haselman.

To mark the completion of the project, which was initially awarded in 2017, an acceptance release letter ceremony was held Jan. 21 inside the hangar at Osan Air Base.