Far East District prepares for move to Humphreys with container removal

Far East District
Published Jan. 9, 2017
Far East District logistic management office moved 6 empty container boxes from Far East District to Defense Reutilization Managemnt Services Office (DRMO) with help from 25th Transportation Battalion Dec. 21. This is all part of the Far East District’s planned relocation to Camp Humphreys.

Far East District logistic management office moved 6 empty container boxes from Far East District to Defense Reutilization Managemnt Services Office (DRMO) with help from 25th Transportation Battalion Dec. 21. This is all part of the Far East District’s planned relocation to Camp Humphreys.

Far East District logistic management office moved 6 empty container boxes from Far East District to Defense Reutilization Managemnt Services Office (DRMO) with help from 25th Transportation Battalion Dec. 21. This is all part of the Far East District’s planned relocation to Camp Humphreys.

Far East District logistic management office moved 6 empty container boxes from Far East District to Defense Reutilization Managemnt Services Office (DRMO) with help from 25th Transportation Battalion Dec. 21. This is all part of the Far East District’s planned relocation to Camp Humphreys.

In preparation for the Far East District's relocation to Camp Humphreys in Pyeongtaek, the Logistics Management Office (LMO) turned in six 20-feet containers to the Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services on Dec. 22, 2016.


To prepare disposal of these containers, the supply branch began consolidation of its assets and supplies several years ago. The district began disposing of unnecessary items, issuing supplies we no longer need to other units on the peninsula (i.e. printer cartridges that we do not have printers for), and coordinating with other sections ensuring they maintain 30 days of supplies for their immediate need.  The results of these efforts enabled us to empty out all six containers.  


The task to get these containers ready for turn-in did not stop there. The supply branch coordinated with Ken Pickler, Far East District transportation branch chief, 25th Transportation Battalion, USAG-Yongsan Directorate of Public Works (DPW) and the Defense Reutilization Management Services (DRMS) to ensure the entire process was synchronized. 


The turn-in date with DRMS must be scheduled prior to scheduling a transportation appointment. Once the turn in date was confirmed and notification sent to 25th Transportation, coordination was made between the local crane and forklift vendor to schedule an execution date to lift and load these containers on the flatbeds.  After the execution date was confirmed, the supply branch coordinated with the district’s transportation branch and U.S. Army Garrison-Yongsan DPW to disconnect all the power lines and separate all containers that are welded together.  Without the prior synchronization and planning by both the supply and transportation branch chiefs this event would not have been successful.  To ensure mission success, Ken Pickler also trained the supply and motor pool personnel on critical lift tasks and safety standards a week in advance. 


Finally, because everyone involved took extra measures, this event occurred without a hitch and without any safety incidents and violations.  Outstanding leadership from Ed Minnerly, chief of the district’s Logistics Management Office. I would also like to extend my thanks to all personnel involved from supply and transportation branches.  This is an example of what can happen with prior planning and early coordination with outside agencies.