After four and a half years with the Far East District, Design Branch Chief Chris Caywood is leaving the organization for a new position with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
“I am going to miss the family styled work environment here at the Corps,” Chris says. “We have a very cohesive team here that enjoys spending time together be it basketball games or team dinners.”
Chris’ career began in the private sector where he used his civil engineering background to design subdivisions. From there he was able to utilize his experience to join the Far East District as a Senior Civil Engineer.
Caywood’s Design Branch is comprised of a 45-member team of architects, engineering technicians, specification writers, and administrative assistants dedicated to producing high quality designs and services.
Some of Chris’ significant design projects include the US Army Garrison Humphreys Unaccompanied Enlisted Personnel Housing, Kunsan Air Base’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Hanger, and Camp Walker’s new Family Housing construction.
“I’ve enjoyed the TDY assignments and charrettes with our amazing stakeholders here at the Corps.”
Now at Nasa, Chris will be able to use his skills in design to build new facilities as the head of the projects and engineering branch. There he will lead the design and construction facilities program at the Langley Research Center.
“I am looking forward to expanding my experience and knowledge base in Virginia as I embrace their new leadership styles. NASA holds top ranking for their effective leadership style and teamwork. I’ve worked with an amazing group of people for the last four and a half years. It’s time to see what the future holds.”